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"American Airlines Name Change Policy" - Travel plans can be intricate, and life often introduces unexpected changes, such as a legal name alteration or the need to correct a typographical error on your airline ticket. American Airlines understands these situations and has a comprehensive Name Change Policy in place. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of American Airlines' policy, providing you with valuable insights and the official helpline number (1-855-738-4459) to ensure a seamless experience.

Understanding American Airlines Name Change Policy:

Reasons for Name Change:

American Airlines typically allows name changes in scenarios such as marriage, legal name changes, and corrections of typographical errors.
It is essential to determine the specific reason for the name change, as different circumstances may have varying procedures and requirements.
Marriage or Legal Name Change:

If the name change is due to marriage or a legal name change, American Airlines often permits one complimentary name change.
Supporting documentation, such as a marriage certificate or legal name change document, is usually required.